CIY SuperStart - March 8th and 9th in Tulsa, ok

Schedule of Events

Day 1

Day 2

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the event?

The event is March 8th and 9th.

Who can attend?

This event is designed specifically for kids in 4th and 5th grade. You child can enjoy these activities with or without you, but feel free to join us if you'd like to make memories together! 

What is the cost?

GCC is covering all registration, lodging, activity, and meal costs. There is no cost for your kid to attend.

What are the overnight accommodations?

We will be staying overnight at the First Christian Church of Sapulpa. Thank you Lance Peterson for allowing us to stay!

What does my student need to bring?

Who are the sponsors?

Current list of sponsors are:
Adam Tromsness - 620-423-9355
Ashley Tromsness - 620-778-3678